How to Clean Sunroom Windows

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Things You'll Need

  • Razor blade

  • Empty spray bottle

  • Water

  • ¼ cup white vinegar

  • ½ tsp. liquid dish soap

  • Fine nylon scrubbing pad

  • 12” squeegee

  • Lint-free rags

  • ½ cup ammonia

Make your own window cleaner rather than using a commercial product.

A sunroom makes a beautiful addition to any home. Sunrooms are designed with a lot of windows to let the sun shine in freely. Cleaning sunroom windows can be a time consuming job simply because of the number of windows in the room. Using the proper products and techniques will make the job go a lot faster, leaving your sunroom windows clean and streak-free. The same method can be used to clean both the inside and outside of the windows.


Step 1

Remove adhesive, paint, tree sap and any other fragments on the windows prior to cleaning. Use a sharp razor blade to gently scrape off the debris.

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Step 2

Fill an empty spray bottle with two cups of water. Add ¼ cup white vinegar and ½ tsp. liquid dish soap to the bottle. Shake the bottle lightly to combine the ingredients.

Step 3

Spray the window generously with the cleaning solution. Scrub the window with a fine nylon scrubbing pad to remove dirt and grime. Rub gently so not to scratch the glass.

Step 4

Use a 12 inch squeegee to remove excess water. Work from the top of the window down. Hold the squeegee at a slight angle so that the water runs down the window. Work horizontally from one end of the window to the other, overlapping your strokes by about 1 ½ inches. Wipe off the blade of the squeegee with a rag after each stroke.


Step 5

Make vertical passes from the top working down the window once you have squeegeed the entire window horizontally. Overlap your squeegee strokes and wipe the blade after each stroke. This will remove any strokes left from the squeegee.

Step 6

Wipe the perimeter of the glass with a lint-free cloth. This will remove any water left around the glass from the squeegee.


Step 7

Clean the glass with an ammonia cleaning solution for extremely dirty windows. The ammonia will help to cut grease and remove caked-on dirt. Combine ½ cup ammonia with 1 gallon of warm water into a bucket. Apply the cleaning solution to the windows with a nylon scrubbing pad. Scrub the windows gently to remove dirt and grime. Squeegee the windows as described above.


Do not clean windows in direct sunlight as this will cause the cleaning solution to dry quicker, leaving streaks.


Wear rubber gloves and work in a well-ventilated area when using ammonia.


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