How to Change Bags on a Panasonic Vacuum

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You can change the bags on your vacuum.
Image Credit: Kiwis/iStock/GettyImages

Vacuum cleaners revolutionized the way we clean our homes, easing the process of cleaning dirt and debris from floors. However, this dirt must go somewhere, and on certain Panasonic vacuum cleaners, the dirt and debris find themselves in a vacuum bag. Changing out vacuum bags on Panasonic vacuum cleaners is a necessary step of owning a vacuum. Fortunately, the process is simple to complete.


Why Change Vacuum Bags?

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Vacuum bags are an integral part of a Panasonic vacuum. Typically made from a porous woven material, such as paper or cloth, vacuum cleaner bags do more than store the dirt and debris a vacuum picks up. As the vacuum cleaner passes over the floor, sucking up dirt and debris, the vacuum bag filters the dirty air through it. Because the bag is made from a porous material, the air passes through the tiny holes while the dirt and debris get stuck. The air then exits from the vacuum, but the dirt and debris remain.

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If the bag were to tear, whether from overfilling or by accident, the dirt and debris would exit the bag and circulate throughout the Panasonic vacuum cleaner and exit through the exhaust, spraying the dirt and debris back into the room. You must change a vacuum bag regularly to avoid overfilling and diminishing your cleaning efforts. Ultimately, it will prolong the Panasonic vacuum's life.


How to Know When a Vacuum Bag Is Full

Many vacuum cleaners have an indicator light that will illuminate when it's time to change the vacuum bags; however, in most cases, you can get a few days of work out of the vacuum before changing the bag becomes necessary. Despite the leeway, a few indicators you may notice suggest you should change the bag sooner than later. For example, when a bag becomes full, the vacuum will frequently lose power because there is no room for the air to circulate or for debris to enter.


Decreased suction power and performance are other indicators of a full bag. When you notice the Panasonic vacuum cleaner cannot suck up dirt that it otherwise would have no issue with, it's time to change out the bag. Other indicators include the vacuum leaking dust and debris from the hose or if the bag appears torn from overfilling, causing dirt to get stuck in the vacuum.


How to Change Panasonic Vacuum Bags

Changing Panasonic vacuum bags is a simple process. However, before installing a new vacuum bag, you need to consult the vacuum's user manual to identify compatible vacuum bags. Not every vacuum bag is made the same, and installing an incompatible bag can damage your Panasonic vacuum cleaner.


Begin the process by first making sure the vacuum is switched off and unplugged from the wall. Then, remove the Panasonic vacuum's dust cover by pulling outward on the dust cover grip. Once you gain access to the vacuum bag, remove it by taking hold of the cardboard portion and pulling outward. Take the new vacuum bag and spread it out, being careful not to tear the bag while unfolding it. Then, fold the top edge of the cardboard portion to fit the slots and attach the new bag to the bag holder by pushing back on the cardboard portion.


Reinsert the tabs onto the end of the vacuum bag into the compartment grooves and let the cover rotate closed. Finally, place the dust cover back in place without pinching the vacuum bag.

