How to Word a 60th Birthday Invitation

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Wording a 60th birthday invitation requires thought and planning. Sixty years, a milestone with many memories, requires a special birthday party. As people hit milestones in age, they tend to celebrate the years they lived and the years that they still have to live. You will need to know all the important information about the birthday before wording an invitation for the milestone event. The formality of the party also affects how the invitation is worded. The invitation will be the first impression of the party for the guests, so you need to pay close attention to important details.


Step 1

Develop an interesting line for the beginning of the invitation. You will need to identify the birthday honoree, and a clever line will compel your guests to attend. A line such as "Guess who's turning the big 6-0?," or "Join us for a '60s rock and roll birthday celebration for Robert." Be creative and add a poem, or keep it simple and just introduce the birthday honoree with a quick line: "Join Jim for his 60th birthday celebration."

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Step 2

Identify the theme for the party. Since 60 is a milestone year, choose a theme that will incorporate the age, such as an over-the-hill party, or a theme that interests the birthday honoree, like a sports theme. When wording the theme, make sure you place it immediately following the introduction. "The party will be a casino night with cocktails and poker tables," or "Come prepared to celebrate a night of dance-party entertainment as we honor the number 60." You can be clever with wording the theme of the party or simply state the theme such as "The theme of the party will be Jungle Fever."


Step 3

Place the location after the theme. Let guests know where the party will be located, what time the birthday party will take place and what date guests will need to mark on their calendars. For a formal birthday party, spell out this part of the invitation: "Saturday the fifth of July, two thousand and eleven at half past 6 o'clock in the evening at Rolling Hills Country Club." Less formal invitations can include the punctuations such as Sat. 07/05/11 at 6:30 at Rolling Hills Country Club. Make sure that your guests do not misread the date, and keep it simple to read. For an unfamiliar place, include an address after the name of the venue: "Buena Vista Hotel, 1000 Jackson Blvd., Cumberville, Fla.


Step 4

Include any special requirements for the party. Inform the guests of clothing requirements such as "black tie only," "semi-formal," or "1960s clothing." Tell guests that food and refreshments will be provided by listing the menu ("beer and mixed drinks," "finger foods and appetizers," "catered by Jim's Café") or invite them to bring their own food for a potluck: "Potluck dinner will be served. Please bring your favorite dish."


Step 5

Place the RSVP information at the end of the invitation. Place a phone number, email address or return address. Make sure you include an RSVP deadline so that guests will contact you before the party planning begins. "Please RSVP to Amy at (insert phone number) or send her an email with your RSVP to [email protected] by June 20th."

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