How to Celebrate a Pastor's Years of Ordination

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Pastors put in a lot of time and energy into the churches and schools that they preside over. Many pastors stay at their churches for many years, getting to know families personally. Most pastors celebrate their milestone ordination days as many people celebrate a 50th or 75th birthday. If you know a pastor that is coming to a milestone of ordination years, it's a wonderful gesture to throw a party.


Step 1

Talk to church members, family and friends of the pastor. Let them know that you'd like to a have a party celebrating his ordination and ask if they would help.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Collect money from those who would like to get involved. There needs to be enough money to rent a hall, purchase food, decorations and a gift.


Step 3

Write a guest list of everyone wanting to come. Send out invitations one month before the party is scheduled. It's best to let the pastor know about the party (although surprise parties are fun, they can be hard to coordinate) to schedule it on the best day.

Step 4

Compile a scrapbook. Ask that family and friends turn in some of their favorite pictures of the pastor. Set the photos in chronological order. This can be set on display at the party, then given to the pastor as a gift.


Step 5

Rent out a hall to have the party. Many churches will have either a hall, rec center or gymnasium that can be used for little or no cost as well.

Step 6

Decorate the hall the night before the event. Balloons, posters, streamers, tablecloths, napkins, dishes and silverware should all be set the night before.


Step 7

Order the food (about a week ahead of time), or offer to have a pot luck. Ordering food can get expensive, having everyone bring their own dish will make the party cost significantly less. If you prefer to have food ordered, make sure the food arrives 30 minutes before the event starts.

Step 8

Order a cake a week ahead of time. Have the cake ready and in a refrigerator at the hall the day of the event. Present the cake after the dinner.


To get the kids involved, encourage the children to make personal "thank you" cards for the pastor's services to the church.

Video of the Day

