Things You'll Need
Photo-editing software
KnitPro web application

Chances are you have found knitting inspiration in an image, but you might have been uncertain as to how to convert that image into a workable pattern. Converting images into knitting patterns may sound like a complicated process, but it is actually simple. Whether you want to convert large, single-color images into intarsia knitting patterns, which feature large, simplistic images on solid-colored fields, or more complicated, multi-toned images into stranded knitting patterns, which feature two or more colors that you carry along each row, you can complete the conversion process easily.
Step 1
Scan the image you want to convert into a knitting pattern at 300 DPI. This creates a medium-quality image for you to work from.
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Step 2
Open the scanned image in a photo-editing software program. Save the image as a JPEG or GIF file.
Step 3
Check the file size. If it exceeds 1 MB, adjust the image size or reduce the number of pixels per inch and save.
Step 4
Open the KnitPro web application.
Step 5
Choose a grid size for your image. If you want to knit an image in fine detail, choose the "XL" size. For less detailed pieces, opt for one of the two smaller sizes.
Step 6
Select your stitch size. For a knitting pattern, choose either "Knit Portrait" or "Knit Landscape," depending on your image orientation. Upload the JPEG or GIF image file. Press "Submit."
Step 7
Open the new PDF file to view your converted image.
High-contrast images convert to knitting charts that are easier to follow than subtly shaded pictures.
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