How to Fry Turkey Legs

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Things You'll Need

  • Deep fryer

  • Frying oil

  • Turkey legs

Fried turkey was originally considered a southern dish, but people all over the United States have caught on to and are trying this wonderful way of cooking. Fried turkey comes out a much deeper brown in color, and it can be marinated and flavored in a number of ways.


Frying Turkey

Step 1

Prepare your turkey legs with a seasoning of your choice by soaking them in marinade overnight, or injecting the marinade into the muscle 15 minutes before frying.


Step 2

Fill your deep fryer with oil and preheat it to 375 degrees.


Step 3

Place one or more turkey legs in the deep fryer, fully immersing them in the hot oil.


Step 4

Fry the turkey legs for four to five minutes per pound. For safety, use a meat thermometer and check that the internal temperature is 175 to 180 degrees.


Turkey skin gets much darker brown when fried. If this is not desired, then you can fry the legs for five minutes, then place them in the oven for 25 to 30 minutes to finish cooking them.

Check out this related video from ExpertVillage on Youtube

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