How to Cut Tin Cans

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Things You'll Need

  • Tin snips

  • Can opener

  • Work gloves

  • Sandpaper

There are a variety of different food products that come in tin cans, such as vegetables, soup and tuna fish. These cans can later be used to help store items and can even be used for an assortment of arts and crafts projects. However, if you are looking to create something with the tin cans you are most likely going to need to cut the cans down to a different shape or form.


Step 1

Open up the can with a can opener and remove all the material inside.

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Step 2

Wash out the tin can. Soak the can in warm water and the label can be removed much easier.

Step 3

Use the can opener on the bottom of the can. This area is slightly thicker than the top, but it is still possible to remove it. It is best to wear work gloves to protect your hands from possible jagged edges on the can.


Step 4

Cut down the side of the can with tin snips. These are extremely sharp and powerful scissors used to cut thinner metal.

Step 5

Sand down the edges of the can with sandpaper. This can remove any small jagged areas of the can and help keep your skin free of cuts.


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