How to Paint a Laminate Fireplace

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Things You'll Need

  • Dropcloths

  • Electric sander

  • Fine-grain sandpaper

  • Dust mask

  • Painter's tape

  • Primer

  • Paint

  • Paintbrush

Redoing your laminate fireplace can be a difficult task. You might want to paint your laminate fireplace a different color if you are changing the wall colors of the room. You also might want to change the color if you change the surrounding stone, marble or other material used in the fireplace. If you want to paint over your laminate fireplace you will need a few hours to complete the project.


Step 1

Cover your floor with dropcloths to catch the sanding debris and possible paint drops or spills.

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Step 2

Sand down the fireplace using your electric sander and fine-grain sandpaper. You may have to hand-sand part of the fireplace if there are grooves or specially designed edges that the sander cannot reach. This step cannot be skipped as the laminate finish needs to be removed from the wood.

Step 3

Apply painter's tape around the fireplace to make sure you do not get paint on the walls and to create smooth edges.

Step 4

Prime the fireplace. Use an interior bonding latex primer or an oil-based primer. Allow to dry.


Step 5

Paint the fireplace with a coat of oil-based or latex enamel. This is going to be your new paint color. Allow paint to dry and then give the fireplace a top coat. Allow to dry.

Step 6

Decorate your new fireplace.


Wear a dust mask while sanding.


Some may say that you can paint right over laminate but it will not always work. Sanding will take away the guessing.


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