How to Make a Circle Stencil

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Things You'll Need

  • Clear plastic overhead projector sheet

  • Craft knife

  • Dry-erase marker

  • Circular item

  • Cutting mat

  • Fine-grit sandpaper

Stencils can be used for a wide variety of projects. You can use a stencil to help you paint a design on a wall, to draw a picture or even to decorate a cake. You can purchase stencils in all different shapes at your local craft store, but they can be expensive. You can make your own stencils at home with some supplies from your local craft or office supply store.


Making a Circle Stencil

Step 1

Find a circular item to trace that will give you the size circle you want. For small circles, you can use coins; for larger circles, you can use cups or bowls.

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Step 2

Lay the circular object on top of the clear plastic sheet.

Step 3

Trace around the object with the dry-erase marker.

Step 4

Lay your clear plastic sheet on a cutting mat.

Step 5

Cut out the circle you traced with a craft knife, carefully, to make it as smooth as possible. This may take some practice. If you don't like the way your circle turns out, try again on another part of the plastic.


Step 6

Lift the clear plastic sheet and remove the circle you cut out.

Step 7

Sand the edges of the circle with fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out any imperfections.


You can use one clear plastic sheet to make circle stencils in several sizes. Cut all of the different-sized circles from one sheet, and use the sheet as your stencil to save on storage space.

You can use repositionable spray adhesive to make your stencil tacky so it doesn’t move when you use it.

Use a thin piece of cardboard, such as a file folder, to make your stencil if you don’t have a clear plastic sheet. The clear plastic sheet is preferable so that you can see exactly where you are placing your circle on your project.


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