How to Bake an Ahi Tuna Steak

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Things You'll Need

  • 2 ahi tuna steaks

  • 1/2 onion

  • 3 cloves of garlic

  • 1/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 small green pepper

  • 1 small carrot

  • Baking dish

  • Aluminum foil

  • Lemon wedges


Fish is a great way to get one of your meat servings. It has plenty of protein and is much lower in fat than any beef. If you are looking for a delicious fish to make your family for dinner, you should consider purchasing some ahi tuna steaks. There are several ways you can prepare these steaks, but the easiest is to bake the ahi tuna. You can use aluminum foil for easy cleanup.


Step 1

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.

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Step 2

Get out your baking dish and cut a piece of aluminum foil to fit over the baking dish by two inches. This will give you extra aluminum foil to form a pouch after the fish is ready.

Step 3

Pour half of your olive oil on the bottom of the aluminum foil

Step 4

Chop up your green pepper into bite-size pieces. Then grate your onion, garlic and carrots into shreds. Combine and place half of it on the bottom of the aluminum foil


Step 5

Place your ahi tuna steaks on top of your oil and veggies.

Step 6

Cover the tuna steaks with the rest of the extra virgin olive oil and vegetables.

Step 7

Fold the aluminum foil up and over the ahi tuna steaks like a pouch and then close shut.


Step 8

Bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

Step 9

Remove from the oven and serve with a few lemon wedges. Lemons go great with fish as a decoration. They also can be squeezed on the fish for some added flavor.


Double the recipe for a family of four.

Serve your fish and vegetables with a side of rice.


If your tuna steak is very thick, you will need to add another 10 minutes to the cooking time.


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