How to Clean Mineral Deposits on Flower Pots

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Things You'll Need

  • 1 cup white vinegar

  • 1 cup rubbing alcohol

  • 1 cup water

  • Sponge with abrasive side

You're in the middle of transplanting your houseplants, and you'd really like to get rid of the crusty white residue of mineral deposits on your flower pots before you reuse them. These harmless deposits are caused by a combination of hard water and fertilizer in potting soil They can be removed quickly with some common household products. Before you know it, your flower pots will look like new, and you've be ready to plant again.


Step 1

Combine the vinegar, alcohol and water in a large bowl, stirring it slightly.

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Step 2

Dip a sponge into the cleaning mixture and wipe down each flower pot. Hold the pot in or over the bowl and using a liberal amount of cleaner to thoroughly soak the pot. Set the pot aside and let it stand ten minutes.

Step 3

Scrub the mineral deposits briskly, using the abrasive side of the sponge in a circular motion. The deposits will come off easily.

Step 4

Rinse each pot and dry with paper towels or allow to air dry.


Double the ingredients if you have a lot of flower pots to clean.


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