How to Shrink Cotton Sweaters

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Shrink Cotton Sweaters

Shrinking is usually something most people seek to avoid, but for people looking to create a tight, form-fitting look, sometimes buying a sweater that is a decent fit and then shrinking it at home is a good option. Following these steps will shrink any cotton sweater down a notch.


Things You'll Need

  • Washer

  • Dryer

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Step 1

Buy a cotton sweater that is not pre-shrunk or pre-washed. While any cotton garment will shrink at least a little as a result of this process, a garment that has not been previously shrunk will shrink a lot.

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Step 2

Set your washing machine to its highest hot-water setting and for the longest duration, and wash the cotton sweater.

Step 3

Put the sweater in the dryer, set that for the highest heat setting, and dry it. Then leave it in the dryer for a while.