How to Convert a JPEG to Bitmap

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JPEG images are commonly used for a number of purposes due to the detail that they allow. There are some cases, however, where a bitmap is preferred or required instead of the JPEG. If all that you have are JPEG images, you might not know exactly how to convert them into the needed .bmp format; you need not worry, though, because the conversion process is actually quite simple. All that you will need is any graphics program that is capable of opening and saving both JPEG images and bitmaps. Read on to learn how to convert a JPEG to a bitmap.


Step 1

The first thing that you will need to do is to open the JPEG image in question with your graphics program. There may be buttons on the program's interface that allow you to do this (usually an image of a folder), but if there aren't then it can be done by going to the "File" menu and selecting "Open" (Ctrl+O is generally the hot key shortcut for this action). A dialog box will appear from which you can choose the image that you want; it should appear with the .jpg extension.

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Step 2

Make any changes or edits that you need to the JPEG image, with the exception of adding text to it; the conversion process may cause a few slight changes to the image, and this can usually be quite evident if the text is changed. Once the conversion has been completed, you will be able to add any text that is needed to the image without trouble.


Step 3

When you have made any edits that you need, open the "File" menu and select the "Save as" option (as opposed to Save). It's very important that you choose "Save as" because you'll be making a copy of the original JPEG. When the dialog box opens asking you where to save it, open the drop-down menu beneath the file name which lists the file format (it should be set as JPEG or .jpg at the moment). Scroll through the options and choose "Bitmap" (it may be listed as .bmp or there may be several different options such as 16-bit or 24-bit; any of these options will work.) Once the format has been changed, click the "OK" button to save the new image.


Step 4

Close the image and open it again, choosing "No" if the program asks you if you want to save the JPEG file that you've edited. Look at the new bitmap image to make sure that everything appears the way that you want it. You can also add any text that you might need if you wish to do so. Your original JPEG will be just the same as it was before you opened it, with none of the changes that were made before saving it as a bitmap.


If you aren't satisfied with the way that your bitmap image looks, reopen the original JPEG and make any necessary changes before trying to save it as a bitmap again. Should you not get the image quality that you want or if the bitmap image ends up being to large of a file for your needs, you might consider trying .gif or .png as alternate image formats.


Make sure that you save any images that you are working on often in order to prevent accidental loss of data from power outages or computer crashes.

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