How to Plant a Christmas Palm

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Things You'll Need

  • Shovel

  • Sterile Garden Soil

  • Hose

  • Measuring tape

  • Mulch

Christmas Palms, or Veitchia merrillii, are found flourishing all over South Florida in the United States. They reach up to 20' in height and are hardy from USDA zone 10 and higher. Many gardeners love to grow this palm for their trademark red berries that bloom annually. The red berries are where their nickname, Christmas Plam, come from. These palms can be tricky to grow, but if you plant them right from the start, your chances of a healthy, disease-free Christmas Palm are great.


How to Plant a Christmas Palm

Step 1

Determine the best place to plant your Christmas Palm. They require full sun, so find a spot in your landscaping that receives full sun all day.

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Step 2

Pick a location where the Christmas Palm can be spaced at least fifteen feet apart from another palm. If you plant them any closer together, you may risk the chance of crowding the palms and optimal growth and health may not be achieved.

Step 3

Test your soil for its neutral or alkaline attributes. Christmas palms will flourish in soil ranging from 6.6 to 7.5 (neutral) to 7.9 to 8.5 (alkaline). Soil kits can be purchased at home garden supply centers or on line on gardening supply websites.

Step 4

Dig your hole for your palm. This depth and width of the hole will depend upon the size of the root ball of your Christmas Palm. Measure the depth and width of the root ball and multiply them by two. The depth of your hole should be dug twice the size of the height of your root ball, and the width should be dug twice the length of the root ball. If you don't dig a hole that large, the roots of this palm will not be encouraged to grow.


Step 5

Mix an eighth of the ground soil with fresh and new garden soil and place on the bottom of the hole. Water this mixture thoroughly.

Step 6

Place your root ball of your Christmas Palm into the hole. Take the ground's soil and mix it together with the new garden soil and fill in the sides around the palm. Tamp this soil down so there are no air holes.


Step 7

Water this new soil thoroughly. Add more soil if the mixture settles too much. Add mulch around your newly planted palm to help it retain water between waterings.

Step 8

Water the palm every day for a week. The next week, water every other day. After two weeks, you can water the soil as needed to encourage healthy roots.


Check with your local garden center about a fertilization schedule for your Christmas Palm.


Check with your local agricultural department about "Lethal Yellowing" disease. Ask if it is present in your area. You may think twice about planting this type of palm because it may fall victim to this disease and die.


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