How to Make a Name That Tune Game

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Things You'll Need

  • A Double CD Player with a recorder

  • Various CD's of different artists from different era's.

  • A Blank CD

  • Contestants

  • Prizes

  • CD Player

  • Microphone (optional)

If you are looking for a fun game that individuals of all ages would enjoy to play, than you should try "Name That Tune." With music from 50's to today, you can create a game that is perfect for any family party or summer get together. Gather together your children's CD's and make a game for them to play too. Just follow the simple instructions and make as many "Name That Tune" games as you can imagine.


Step 1

Decide on a theme. Are most of your guests into country music, gospel, rock and roll, blues, jazz? Are they in to a mixture? Once you have a theme you will find that it is much easier to make song selections.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Decide how long you want the game to go on for. On average about 20 to 25 songs provides enough entertainment to keep the crowd happy. If you don't have that much time, you could still consider doing a "Top 10 Name That Tune" CD and just use 10 of the best songs of all time.


Step 3

Record various 5 to 10 second audio clips of each song. They should be clips that people will recognize, but not ones that contain the title of the song in them. Leave pauses in between each song so you don't accidentally play the next tune.

Step 4

Divide your audience up in to two teams. Give the first team a chance to answer. If they get it wrong, give the second a chance to steal. Each song earns the team 1 point. The team at the end with the most amount of points wins.


Step 5

Play the clips one at a time on your CD Player and designate one person in the crowd to tally the correct answers.

Step 6

Give out prizes. Prizes don't have to be something expensive. They can be little medals that cost $4 for a dozen or they could be a simple candy bar. You just need to have something to acknowledge the winners.


You could do this with just a few people in your living room by having just 1 or 2 people to each team.


No fighting. This game is just for fun.


Video of the Day