How to Know When Your Grilled Salmon Is Ready

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How to Know When Your Grilled Salmon Is Ready. Adding grilled salmon to your diet is a heart-healthy choice. The American Heart Association recommends two servings of fish per week, and salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and high in protein. Although grilled salmon is simple to prepare, it can be difficult to decide when it's ready to eat. Don't overcook your salmon. Learn how to check for done-ness and banish dry grilled salmon forever.


Step 1

Light the grill to a medium to low flame. If you get it too hot, you'll burn the outside of your salmon, while the inside will still be raw.

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Step 2

Leave the skin on the salmon. This holds the fish together and makes it easier to remove from the grill when done.

Step 3

Determine the approximate thickness of your salmon. You will need to grill 7 to 9 minutes for a 1-inch fillet. A whole 2 lb. salmon will take about 15 to 17 minutes.

Step 4

Place the salmon on the grill at an angle, skin-side down. This will help in taking it off the grill, and you'll also get some attractive grill marks.


Step 5

Refrain from your urge to turn the salmon during cooking. There's no need to flip it. You can, however, baste it with a marinade while it's grilling.

Step 6

Test the salmon with a fork after the correct amount of time. The grilled salmon is cooked when it flakes easily with a fork, and the skin is just starting to separate from the fish. It will also look opaque and feel slightly firm.

Step 7

Remove the salmon from the grill with a thin, flat metal spatula.


Sometimes the salmon skin remains on the grill despite your best efforts to remove it. Make sure you clean the grill while it's still hot for easy removal of the remaining skin.

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