How to Organize a Large Picnic

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How to Organize a Large Picnic. Spend the summer with your family and friends at a large picnic. Enjoy the summer sun in the company of those you enjoy. Eat, play games and have a good time. You can invite a lot of people if you take the time to organize your picnic. Follow these tips to organize a large picnic.


Step 1

Delegate the tasks to guests who will attend the picnic. Get the help of everyone who will be there. Each family can take care of something so the picnic is not the responsibility of one person.

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Step 2

Plan ahead. Know who's coming. Find out how many families will attend, what you'll be eating, when you'll get together, where you'll meet and how you'll have fun.

Step 3

Make a list of everything you need. Create a menu which will help you decide what to buy and how much to buy.

Step 4

Decide whether you want hot food like barbeque or cold cuts. Let everyone know what you have decided. Ask about food allergies. Divide your list into items each family can bring.


Step 5

Have a potluck picnic or get one group of people to bring each item. Delegate a group to bring the meat, another can bring the salads or vegetables. Get someone to bring the desserts, another to bring the snacks. Everyone can bring their own drinks.

Step 6

Ask one or two families to buy plastic utensils and paper napkins. You might ask each family to bring chairs, a table cloth and a blanket.


Step 7

Plan activities to keep people busy throughout the day. Choose some family activities and activities for the children. You can plan games and play group sports. Have a craft table set up for the kids.

Step 8

Create a picnic eating area. Keep the food in coolers. Set up picnic tables or picnic blankets and place the coolers nearby. You can keep chips and cut up vegetables on the tables. Pick a time to serve the rest of the food so that everyone can dine together.

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