How to Organize a Pub Crawl

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Plan ahead for a successful pub crawl.
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Walking from one bar to the next may sound simple, but a successful pub crawl actually takes a bit of savvy planning. Make sure your pub crawl doesn't turn into a disorganized, drunken mess. Think ahead about specifics, such as scheduling and securing transportation, to maximize the fun during your night out on the town.


Selecting Pubs

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Estimate that you'll spend about an hour at each pub, then decide how long you want the crawl to last, and pick a handful of pubs based on that figure. Choose locations that are fairly close together, so that it only takes a few minutes to walk from one bar to the next. Avoid bars that are notoriously crowded, have expensive cover charges or have special events planned on the night of your crawl. Once you have a list of locations, call each pub and let them know you plan to include them in your pub crawl. Ask if you can reserve space and also inquire about any discounts or drink specials available to your group.

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After a night of drinking, you don't want your guests to drive home, so factor transportation into your planning. Check local bus or train schedules, and choose an end point for your pub crawl that's close to a public transportation hub. If you don't have public transportation options in your area, reserve taxis, chauffeured vans or a limo ahead of time to pick up and drop off members of the group. If all else fails, ask a few friends to serve as designated drivers for the evening.



Plan to start your pub crawl early to beat the late night crowds and take advantage of happy hour specials. Write up a rough itinerary, listing the order in which you'll visit the bars and the estimated time you'll spend at each location. Send the itinerary to the members of your group along with information on transportation. As the organizer of the pub crawl, you're the main problem solver, so give everyone in the group your cell phone number. Make sure any latecomers can easily reach you with questions.


Themes and Attire

For a little extra fun, pick a theme for your pub crawl. For example, only visit Irish pubs or pubs that play soccer games on the television. Or have a theme that revolves around specific outfits or costumes, like a funky 1970's pub crawl or an ugly Christmas sweater pub crawl. Wearing specific clothing also helps members of the group stay visible to one another so no one gets left behind in a crowded bar. If you're not the type to wear crazy costumes in public, keep it simple by telling the members of the group to wear a specific color.

