Spell Out Your Love With This Oversized Taco Bar

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Presentation is everything. A simple taco bar becomes something special when you use it to spell out your L-O-V-E. Cause after all... love — and tacos — make the world go round.

Image Credit: Adam Valencia for Leaf Group

Step 1

Cut out large block letters from an old cardboard box, and cover them with foil. Fold up the edges of the foil to create "walls" on the edges of the heart and the V so you can fill them with salsa and guacamole. Arrange the letters on your serving surface.


Video of the Day

Image Credit: Adam Valencia for Leaf Group

Step 2

Fill hard and soft tortillas with the protein of your choice, then add a variety of fillings.

Image Credit: Adam Valencia for Leaf Group

Step 3

Arrange tacos on the L, leaning each new taco against the previous one. If necessary, use toothpicks to hold the first two tacos together. With that stable base, the rest will be easy.


Image Credit: Adam Valencia for Leaf Group

Step 4

Fill the center of the heart with salsa or pico de gallo.


Image Credit: Adam Valencia for Leaf Group

Step 5

Garnish the V with shredded lettuce, limes and guacamole.



Image Credit: Adam Valencia for Leaf Group

Step 6

Complete the display by placing tacos on the E. Add rice and beans. Margaritas optional, but who doesn't love margaritas?


Image Credit: Adam Valencia for Leaf Group
Image Credit: Adam Valencia for Leaf Group


Video of the Day