5 Homemade Products to Freshen Up Your Laundry Routine

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homemade laundry products.
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Homemade Laundry Products to Try ASAP

Store-bought products clean your clothes, but they may not always be kind to your skin. The chemicals found in many name brands can spur irritations or bring on allergies, and that can be much more infuriating than a clumsy stain on a favorite shirt. Thankfully, those with sensitive skin — or anyone who prefers peace of mind — can tackle this chore with a collection of simple homemade products. Here are five straightforward concoctions that you should keep in your laundry room, most of which only have a handful of ingredients, so that you can wear a fresh wardrobe without any lingering concerns.

Image Credit: eHow
homemade stain remover
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Throw Out Your Many Mediocre Stain Removers

In your quest to find a stain remover that can get rid of coffee, red wine and other pesky stains, you've no doubt accumulated quite the collection of assorted products. You can replace the whole bundle with a homemade stain remover that actually works. Ah, clean and concise.

homemade detergent for sensitive skin
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Be Gentle to Your Skin

This is the detergent to start with if you have sensitive skin. It's considered a homemade laundry detergent for babies, but really, it's ideal for anyone with skin that tends to react easily to chemicals. Make it with only three ingredients, and wash your clothes without any fear of uncomfortable reactions.

homemade washing soda
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Make Sure Every Part of Your Detergent Is Homemade

A main ingredient in most homemade laundry detergents is washing soda, which is really just baking soda prepared in a particular way. Learn how to make your own using one ingredient and an oven, and you'll be able to add it to whichever detergent you prefer. That's one quick and inexpensive way to gain control of cleanliness.


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