How to Make a Football Souvenir Program Brochure

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Things You'll Need

  • Computer with Internet connection

  • Word processing program

  • Color printer/copier

  • Glue or glue stick

  • Stapler and staples

  • Digital camera

Your local high school football game can have a program just like professional games do. All you need is a home computer and a few common tools, and parents and players can have a keepsake that they will treasure for years. The job is time-consuming, but at the end you can have a program that looks professional and reflects the love you have for your team.



Step 1

Open your word processing program. If you are using Microsoft's Word, click on "File," "New" and "Blank Document." Other word processing programs work roughly the same way.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Enter copy for your program, such as season highlights, outstanding individual performances, memories of past years, interviews with players and coaches, information about the opponent and the like. Include headlines and subheads. For charts, such as previous scores or team statistics, highlight the copy with your cursor and click on the "Bullets" template at the top right of the Word taskbar. This may vary by word processing program utilities.


Step 3

Click "Save As" and name your document, then save it to a preferred location, such as your desk top, by clicking "Save" and choosing "Desktop" from the drop-down menu.

Step 4

Close your word processing program.



Step 1

Take pictures of the team, coach, players, stadium and the crowd at a previous game, or anything else you consider important. If the team has images available, download appropriate pictures from its site.


Step 2

Upload your images from your camera to your desktop. Your camera will have a cable to link the camera to your computer through a USB port and image management software to import, size and store images.

Step 3

Name each image as you finish so you'll remember which is which.


The Brochure

Step 1

Choose a template. These are available online for free or for a fee. The free ones are very limited in your choices for layout and functionality. Pay templates, such as CorelDraw, offer far more flexibility and do a lot more work for you. Many of these offer a free trial.


Step 2

Download and open the template you chose.

Step 3

Cut the copy you chose for the first copy block and paste into the block. Continue for other copy blocks until you have completed the number of pages you prefer.



Step 4

Choose photos and insert them into spaces on the template. Methodology will vary by template, but you may have to size the photos before importing them to the template. Your camera's software will include sizing instructions.

Step 5

Cut headlines and subheads from the word processing file and paste into place in the appropriate spot. Choose type size and color, as well as background color, from the template menu. Save the template.

Video of the Day

Step 1

Call up the template and click "Print" then "Print Options."

Step 2

Click "Preview" to view the final product and approve.

Step 3

Click "Print."

Produce Your Program

Step 1

Paste your second page to the back of your first page. Continue with following pages so you have double-sided copies of your entire booklet. If your template and printer allow it, select duplex printing to avoid the pasting step.

Step 2

Take the pages to a copy center.

Step 3

Copy on two-sided copy setting, for as many copies as you will need. Your home printer will cost far more per page than a commercial service.

Step 4

Fold copies and staple to form a booklet.


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