How to Dry Banana Peels for Fertilizer

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Things You'll Need

  • Bricks or cinder blocks

  • Window screens

  • Banana peels

  • Food processor

  • Air-tight container

Banana peels are a good soure of potassium for plants.

All plants require nutrients to thrive, which many gardener supply in the form of a fertilizer. While there are many commercial fertilizers, some organic items, such as banana peels, provide the same nutrients. According to the Orland Sentinel, banana peels provide 40 percent potassium and 3 percent phosphorus to plants when incorporated into the soil. Drying banana peels creates a dry fertilizer that stores much longer than fresh peels, which can mold.


Step 1

Monitor the weather report for a period of three to four days when outdoor temperatures are 86 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer. Slightly windy days with humidity below 60 percent will speed the drying process.

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Step 2

Locate an outdoor location that is in full sunlight for at least six hours of the day and place four bricks or cinder blocks in the area, arranging them in a square.


Step 3

Place a window screen on top of the blocks so it is elevated. Use a screen with fiberglass mesh instead of metal.

Step 4

Pull open the banana peels so you have single long strips. Lay the peels on top of the screen so none of them are touching.


Step 5

Lay another screen on top of the peels to prevent birds and other animals from dragging them off. Leave the peels in place until nightfall.

Step 6

Pick up the screens and move them to an indoor location at night, since the cooler temperatures may result in condensation that slows down the drying.


Step 7

Move the screens and banana peels back outside the next morning. Repeat the process until the peels are completely dry, which takes three to four days.

Step 8

Once the peels are dry, place the peels into a food processor and grind them up into small pieces. Store the ground peels in an air-tight container until ready to fertilize plants.


You can also dry the peels in an oven set to a temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.

You need approximately 5 pounds of dried banana peels for every 100 square feet of soil to see benefits in plants.


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