How to (Quickly) Chill a Cocktail Glass

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We've all been there. You've got the perfect drink recipe, and a few willing and thirsty cocktail drinkers waiting for a sample. Presentation is as important as the drink, and a frosted glass would be ideal. Maybe you thought ahead and stored a few glasses in the freezer, or maybe your freezer is a wee bit stockpiled at the moment and that isn't an option for you. No worries, I have some cocktail glass chilling methods for you, just pick the one that suits you best. And don't forget to pour yourself a cocktail. After all, you've earned it.


Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Video of the Day


Want to make crushed ice for your cocktail? Add ice cubes to a zip-top bag, smash with a rolling pin or heavy skillet until crushed. Perfectly crushed cocktail ice!

Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Things You'll Need

  • Cocktail glasses to chill

  • Ice

  • Water

  • Paper towels

Method One

Just store your cocktail glasses in the freezer. Or place them in the freezer for 20 minutes. While this is clearly easy, it's a little inconvenient at the last minute.

Video of the Day

Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Method Two

Wrap a wet paper towel around the glass you'd like frosted and add the glass to the freezer for 5 minutes. Remove from the freezer, remove the towel and you're all set.


Image Credit: Jackie Dodd

Method Three

Fill the glass with crushed ice and add cold water. Let stand for 3 minutes, swirling occasionally. Pour out the ice and water and the glass will be frosted. This is the method used most often by bartenders in the field.


Image Credit: Jackie Dodd
Image Credit: Jackie Dodd
