How to Make a Graphite Paste

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Things You'll Need

  • Glass bowl

  • Acrylic medium

  • Denatured alcohol

  • Graphite powder

  • Stir stick

  • Air tight container

Graphite is the same material used in pencils.

Graphite paste can be used as a lubricant or as a glaze in painting. A paste made from graphite powder has long been the lubricant of choice for many piano repair shops, and it can be used on other items as well. As a glaze, graphite paste is thinned with acrylic painting medium and applied as a wash. It is used with watercolors, acrylic painting and graphite drawing. The recipes are slightly different for glazes and lubricants, but both can be easily made at home with with a few ingredients.


Step 1

Mix one part acrylic medium with equal parts denatured alcohol. Skip this step if you are using the paste for lubrication.

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Step 2

Mix one part denatured alcohol or the denatured alcohol and acrylic medium mixture with two parts graphite powder.


Step 3

Use a stick to stir the paste until all powdered clumps are dissolved.

Step 4

Store the liquid graphite paste in an airtight container, and stir before each use.


Store carefully. The lubricant is flammable.


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