How to Remove Stain From an Acrylic Resin Counter

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Things You'll Need

  • Cotton rags or abrasive-free sponge

  • Cotton towels

  • Ammonia based cleaner

  • Hard-water cleaner

  • Acrylic resin cleaner

If you have a stain on your 100 percent acrylic resin countertop, feel fortunate that you have an acrylic countertop. Acrylic countertops are incredibly stain resistant, so if you locate a stain, standard acrylic countertop cleaning procedures will take care of it. According to American Countertop Fabricators, DuPont, a leading manufacturer of acrylic countertops, tested its countertops with at least 200 staining agents and none of them permanently stained the surface.


Step 1

Wipe the surface of the acrylic resin countertop with clean water and a cotton rag or abrasive-free sponge and then wipe dry with a cotton towel. This works for most light staining.

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Step 2

Spray the surface of the countertop with ammonia-based cleaner and then wipe the surface with a dry cotton towel or abrasive-free sponge. Follow this up by rinsing the countertop with clean water and a cotton rag or abrasive-free sponge. Wipe the countertop dry with a cotton towel once clean. This works on slightly stubborn staining.

Step 3

Spray the surface of the countertop with a hard-water remover. Wipe the countertop clean with clean water and a cotton rag or abrasive-free sponge and then wipe dry with a cotton towel. This removes hard-water stains and moderately difficult stains.

Step 4

Wipe the surface of the countertop with a deep cleaner designed specifically for acrylic resin surfaces. Wipe the countertop clean with clean water and a cotton rag or abrasive-free sponge and then wipe dry with a cotton towel. Use this method when all other methods fail.


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