How to Display Oranges on a Fruit Platter

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The arrangement of oranges will vary along with the additional types of fruits and vegetables you are serving.

Whether you are hosting a brunch or planning a large dinner gathering, setting up trays and platters will allow your guests to feel comfortable and surrounded by delicious foods to eat. Organizing and displaying oranges and other fruits on a platter adds color and life to any food menu. Displaying oranges on a fruit platter will allow you to get creative while serving healthy appetizers and snacks to your guests.


Step 1

Use various setups or dishes for stacking whole oranges to serve.

Stack the oranges after washing them, unpeeled on top of one of another to form a pyramid if you plan to serve whole fruits on your platter.

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Step 2

Peeling oranges ahead of time will save your guests' time when enjoying them.

Peel and cut the oranges traditionally, slicing each orange into eight even pieces. Line the oranges in a row on the fruit platter or create a spiral decoration with your platter -- using alternating fruits and creating "rings" of fruit to complete the tray's look.


Step 3

Creating a colorful fruit platter is appealing and a memorable dish.

Arrange sliced pieces of your oranges -- peeled or not -- on your fruit platter along with additional fruits such a bananas, apples, grapes or sliced kiwi, along with other preferred fruits. Alternate each fruit when arranging each one on the tray to add color and contrast to the look of the platter -- such as placing oranges next to green kiwis or fresh blueberries.


Browse through various cookbooks and online cooking websites for inspiration regarding fruit platters and additional decorations for serving trays.

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