Home Remedy for Removing Paint From Wood

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Remove peeling paint by sanding, scraping or scouring wood.

Whether you need to remove small splatters or an entire coating, removing paint from wood can be a frustrating experience for any homeowner. But before you call a professional, try these home remedies for removing paint from wood.



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Use sandpaper to remove paint from wood surfaces. Sand in stages, beginning with 24-grit and ending with 100-grit sandpaper. After sanding, remove any particles of wood with a vacuum or paint thinner. Sanding does require more labor, especially when used to remove paint from small, elaborately designed items.

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Although they require more labor, scrapers such as putty knives and flat scrapers will remove paint from wood. Use a solvent, alcohol or paint thinner as well when removing paint from small items.



Use steel or copper scouring pads to remove paint from carved wood. In deeply carved wood, use a wire brush to reach into the carving. Rinse the area afterward to remove any pieces of scouring and paint from the surface.



Heat the paint with a heat gun or hair dryer to destroy layers of old paint. Remember to move the heat source often to avoid burning the wood and creating brown spots. After heating, scrape paint off the wood.

