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How to Cut the Inside Corner of Concave Molding

Nikki Cash

Concave molding, also known as base shoe molding or quarter round molding, is used to cover up the unsightly gaps between the baseboard and floorboard. The molding is small and inconspicuous but also flexible, which means it can follow the unevenness on the floor to cover up openings, unlike the rigid baseboard. Additionally, base shoe moldings bring a depth in dimension to the baseboards while protecting them from chips and dents from vacuums or shoes. Cutting corners is done in the same manner as cutting the baseboards by cutting the joints at certain angles to fit into each other.

Step 1

Cut each of the joint ends at a 45-degree angle by placing the molding on a miter saw in the same position it would be placed on the baseboard. If the inside corner is a perfect 90-degree angle, the two molding pieces will fit into the corner.

Step 2

Butt-cut, or straight-cut, one end of the molding by placing it on a miter saw and cutting at a 90-degree angle. For inside corners that are not 90 degrees, a carved joint end is fitted against a straight-cut end.

Step 3

Place the opposing end of the molding and cut it at a 45-degree angle on the miter saw. Cut the end that will meet the other end of the molding.

Step 4

Carve out the excess backing with a coping saw following the leading edge, or curved edge, of the molding.

Step 5

With a utility knife, scrape off any excess wood bits that prevent a perfect fit between the butt cut and coped edge of the two molding joints.