Tools for Building a Wall

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Construction tools are necessary to build a wall.

Building a wall requires various tools to complete the project successfully. Basically, a number of carpentry tools are required, as well as various power tools that make the building of the wall go quicker. The average do-it-yourselfer can successfully use these various tools with little or no experience.


Tape Measure

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The tape measure is one of the single most important tools for constructing a wall. Purchase a tape measure that measures in feet and inches. The most common type has a 25- to 30-foot capacity.


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Speed Square

A carpenter's speed square is necessary to mark square cuts on your wall framing members. The speed square allows you to place marks quickly onto your wood framing members and allows you to place various angled marks, from 90 to 45 degrees. This tool slips easily into your tool belt for quick access during construction.


Framing Hammer

A framing hammer is necessary to build a wall; usually a 20-oz. hammer is appropriate. The framing hammer is a bit longer than a regular claw hammer, with a claw hammer measuring about 12 inches long and a framing hammer measuring 16 to 20 inches long. The extra length and weight allow you to drive nails with one or two strokes rather than several strokes with the claw hammer.


Circular Saw

The 7.25 inch circular saw is necessary to cut the wall framing members. Load the saw with a rough framing, cross cutting saw blade. As an alternative, use a 10- to 12-inch miter saw, which allows you to place your lumber onto a square saw base and quickly cut the material by pressing a saw blade down onto the wood. The miter saw is effective and efficient to build a wall; however, the miter saw is quite a bit more expensive than a circular saw.


Chalk Line

Finally, a chalk line is needed to snap layout lines for your wall. The layout lines are snapped onto the floor and provide a straight reference mark for your walls. You will also use the line to place marks on your wall sheathing. After placing the chalk line onto the sheathing, cut your material by following the mark made by the chalk line.
