Sending kind words and well wishes is a simple yet thoughtful way to tell a loved one "happy birthday." If a friend or family member is turning 40 this year, you can make the occasion especially memorable by sharing a funny yet touching story at the party, or simply making it publicly known that the guest of honor is one of the most important people in your life.
Words of Thanks
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Use your wife's 40th birthday as a time to thank her for the constant love and support she shows you. If you're having a birthday celebration for her, say a few words at the party to let her know you truly appreciate how she has encouraged you to be the best in your career, and that you're grateful for the way she's helped to mold the character and moral standards of your children, if you have them. You can also thank her for being a great friend and providing a listening ear when you need it most. Of course, you can also write these sentiments in a greeting card, or purchase a card for her that describes these thoughts.
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Fond Memories

The 40th birthday is a milestone birthday in which many people focus on their accomplishments in life and make plans to achieve more as they enter a new phase of adulthood. Therefore, a 40th birthday party is an ideal time to recall some childhood stories involving you and your best friend — the party's guest of honor. Share funny memories of trouble you got into as children or teenagers, as well as stories about when your best friend fell in love and told you he was ready to get married, or discovered his passion and began to pursue a successful career. Let your best friend know how proud you are of him, and how you've enjoyed growing up with him and witnessing his achievements. Tell him that you're looking forward to all the professional and personal success he'll experience in his 40s, and that you'll be there to continue celebrating with him.
Character Compliments

Wish your sibling a happy 40th birthday by complimenting her on character traits of hers you've always admired. For instance, if your sister has always been outgoing and friendly and has used this part of her personality to pursue a successful career, share how proud you are of her, and how you always knew that her bubbly personality would benefit her. If your brother has exhibited considerable strength or encouragement to you when you were experiencing something difficult in life such as the ending of a relationship, loss of a job or health concern, thank him for his strength of character and level-headed thinking.
Words of Encouragement

A 40-year-old who is embarking upon a new life journey such as opening a business, getting married or going back to school will welcome words of encouragement from a loved one. Your words, in-person or in greeting-card form, can help to make your loved one's 40th birthday even more memorable. If a close friend of yours is pursuing a degree, express how much you believe in her intelligence and drive, while wishing her a happy 40th birthday. If a family member is in the planning stages of becoming a business owner, take time at the birthday celebration to let him know that his talent and business savvy are sure to pay off and that you're willing to help in any way you can.