How to Use Blue Tape to Hang Plastic From the Ceiling to Protect Walls

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Things You'll Need

  • Plastic sheeting

  • Utility knife

  • 3-inch blue tape

If you plan to renovate a room, you may need to cover a wall in plastic sheeting to protect it from dust created by the demolition and construction process. You may also require the use of plastic sheeting to protect a wall from overspray if you use a paint sprayer to spray an adjacent wall. The correct use of blue painter's tape with the plastic sheeting will protect the wall.


Step 1

Use a tape measure to measure the length and height of the wall you need to cover and then transfer the measurements to the plastic sheet.

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Step 2

Cut the plastic sheet to the above measurements with a utility knife or scissors.

Step 3

Hold the plastic sheeting against the wall approximately 1 ½ inches below the ceiling. Use the help of two friends to hold the sheeting in place.

Step 4

Run a strip of tape across the plastic sheeting and the wall. Make sure half the width of the tape stays on the sheeting and half of the width of tape stays on the wall.


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