How to Change the Water Level in Urinals

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Fix the water level in your urinal for best results.

Urinals are used in commercial settings such as restaurants and office buildings. If the water level in your urinal is too high or too low, you can adjust the level to get it back where it needs to be. If the water level is too high, you could overflow the urinal and cause damage to the bathroom. Changing the water level in your urinal is not a very difficult task. You can do it with minimal hassle and little knowledge of plumbing.


Step 1

Locate the water control screw to the right of the flush valve on the back of the urinal's flush handle.

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Step 2

Turn the water control screw clockwise if the water level is too high. Start with a 1/4-inch turn and then flush the urinal. Wait for the urinal to fill and then make another adjustment if needed. Repeat this until you have the proper water level.

Step 3

Turn the water control screw counterclockwise to increase the flow in the urinal if the water level is too low. Start with a 1/4-inch turn and then flush the urinal. Wait for the urinal to fill and then make another adjustment if needed. Repeat this until you have the proper water level.

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