How to Get Windex Out of Carpet

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Things You'll Need

  • Paper towels

  • Bucket

  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar

  • White cloths

  • Towel

  • Oxygen bleach

Introduced to consumers in 1933, Windex is a common window and hard surface cleaner that contains ammonia and detergent. Even though Windex can remove a variety of stains from carpeting, spilling an excess amount of the liquid can leave an unsightly and permanent stain on the carpet fibers. It is best to deal with the Windex as soon as possible. The longer it sits on the carpet, the more difficult removing it will be.


Step 1

Blot the excess Windex off the carpet with several paper towels. Continue blotting and replacing the soiled towels with fresh paper towels until you can no longer absorb any Windex.

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Step 2

Fill a bucket with 2 cups of cool water and 1 cup of distilled white vinegar. Mix the vinegar and water together with a spoon.

Step 3

Dampen a white cloth in the mixture. Begin blotting the outer edge of the stain with the damp cloth and work your way inward. Leave the mixture on the carpet for several minutes.

Step 4

Rinse the carpeting clean with a cloth dampened in cool water. You must rinse the mixture completely from the carpeting.

Step 5

Dry the carpeting by blotting with a towel for several minutes.


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