How to Remove Furnace Soot

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Things You'll Need

  • Baking soda

  • Vacuum

  • Liquid dish soap

  • Cloths

Keep carpetting away from your furnace to prevent inevitable stains.

Your furnace can create black or brown soot that can get your carpet or floor dirty. If you have extensive soot marks on your carpet, hire a professional to clean the carpet, as soot is one of the hardest stains to remove if it has already sunk deep into your carpet fibers. If the soot is on your floor or if the stains are not extensive on your carpet, you can clean it yourself. Keep children and pets away from the stains, as they could work them further into your carpet, and test the cleaning method on a small area first to make sure it doesn't damage your floor or carpet.


Cleaning Floors/Walls

Step 1

Spray the wall or floor with an all-purpose cleaning solution. Use the right cleaner for your type of floor. This is especially important if you have a stone tile floor.

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Step 2

Wipe down the walls and floor with a cloth until all of the soot is gone.

Step 3

Pour vinegar into a spray bottle.

Step 4

Spray the floor or walls with white vinegar.

Step 5

Wipe the floors and walls with a cloth to remove the soot and grime residue.


Cleaning Carpets

Step 1

Sprinkle baking soda so that there is a thick layer of baking soda over the entire stain. Let the baking soda sit for at least two hours. The baking soda will absorb soot odors and colors. It can also remove soot from the base of the carpet fibers. Vacuum the baking soda up and throw it away.


Step 2

Mix 1 tbsp. liquid dish soap with 2 cups lukewarm water. Blot the soapy solution onto the soot area with the cloth. Do not soak the cloth. Instead, wring it out so that it is just slightly damp. Use as much cleaning solution and as many cloths as needed.

Step 3

Press a cloth into the area to soak up the cleaning solution.


Step 4

Mist the area with clear water to rinse out the cleaning solution.

Step 5

Press a cloth into the area to dry it.

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