How to Store Raw Almonds

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High in antioxidants, correctly stored almonds can last for long periods. However, improper storage can cause almonds to spoil quickly. To keep your almonds fresh for as long as possible, store them in the correct packaging under the right conditions. Rancid almonds aren't unsafe, but they have a sharp, unpleasant flavor.


Keep Them Cool

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High temperatures can cause the oil in almonds to spoil quickly; as a result, almonds last longest in a cool environment. Keep almonds below 40 degrees Fahrenheit; if that's not possible, storing them in a location that stays below 50 degrees is acceptable. Refrigerated almonds can last up to nine months. If you don't have room for almonds in your refrigerator, store them in a cool pantry; they can last for up to four weeks at this temperature.

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Proper Packaging

Exposure to light, air and moisture hastens the process of spoiling; to prevent this, keep almonds in an airtight container such as a plastic bag or sealable box. An opaque container is ideal; if you don't have one, keep your almonds in a dark place. Most commercial almonds come in airtight, opaque containers to begin with, so keep them in their sealed container as long as possible.


Avoiding Odors

Like many other types of nuts, almonds can absorb odors from substances they come into contact with. If you're storing almonds in your refrigerator or pantry, keep them out of contact with smelly foods; you may find that they pick up an unpleasant taste or odor even though they're still safe to eat.


Freezer Storage

Frozen almonds can maintain their quality for a year or more, especially if they are well-packaged. As with any other frozen food, almonds kept below 32 degrees will be safe to eat indefinitely; however, they may not keep their flavor or texture.
