Things You'll Need
Plysurf A208S
Plysurf A2125
Monobasic carb acid ester
Microlith Black C-A
Ethyl Oleate
2-Hexyldecanoic acid triglyceride
Liquid parafin
Carbon Black
Isopropyl myristate
Empty 20-oz. bottle
Kitchen scale
Disposable plastic containers
Dry erase markers
1 large funnel
1 smallest funnel made

For centuries teachers used chalk to write on blackboards. Today's classrooms have whiteboards that require dry erase markers. Regular markers are made to be permanent, while dry erase markers are designed to write information on whiteboards that can wiped clean with any soft cloth or paper towel. The difference between the two markers is an oily silicone polymer added to dry erase to prevent a permanent mark. All of the ingredients for dry erase markers can be found craft and paint stores, outlet factories and wholesale distributors of craft supplies. An erasable ink comprises an organic solvent, optionally a resin soluble in the solvent, a pigment dispersed in the solvent and additives, according to Free Patents Online.
Step 1
Prepare an area to weigh the chemicals you will be funneling into the empty bottle. Because some of the chemicals have noxious fumes, make sure the room is adequately ventilated. It is a good idea to label each container with the chemical it will be holding. You will not fill the empty 20-oz. bottle. There will be room to shake the ingredients well before using.
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Step 2

Place an empty plastic container on the kitchen scale and add ethanol slowly until the scale shows 6.6 oz. of ethanol. Remove the ethanol from the scale and set it aside. Place another empty container on the scale to weigh the surfactant plysurf A208S. You will need .150 oz. of this surfactant.
Step 3
Remove the surfactant from the scale and place another container to measure the next surfactant, plysurf A2125. Slowly add the chemical until it measures .200 oz. by weight. Remove the chemical from the scale and set it aside with the others.
Step 4
Continue placing clean containers on the scale as you pour each of the following chemicals by weight: monobasic carb acid ester, .500 oz microlith black C-A pigment, .700 oz. ethyl oleate .350 oz. 2-hexyldecanoic acid triglyceride .400 oz. liquid paraffin .300 oz. carbon black .300 oz. Isopropyl alcohol .500 oz.
Step 5
Pour each chemical through the large funnel into the 20-oz. bottle. Shake the chemicals well to mix thoroughly. Use the small funnel to refill empty dry erase markers. For colors other than black, purchase colors such as Fuji AS Blue, Fuji AS Green and others as needed.
Step 6
Refill empty dry erase markers from the 20-oz. bottle using the small funnel. The markers only hold a few millimeters each.
Solvents such as isopropyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol combine with the pigment and resin to keep the mixture liquid until applied to the whiteboard.
The fumes from these chemicals are flammable and can be hazardous to your health. It is not recommended that women who are pregnant mix these chemicals.
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