Things You'll Need

Pomegranates are hard-shelled fruits filled with hundreds of small red tear-drop jewel seeds. Only the seeds, known as arils, can be consumed and juiced. While it is possible to use an electric juicer, hand juicing is the generally recommended method for extracting juice from a pomegranate. If using an electric juicer, all of the arils must be completely separated from the white membrane before juicing, whereas hand juicing can be done similar to that of juicing an orange or lemon.
Step 1
Cut open the pomegranate by removing the cap. You must completely shuck the fruit before juicing. Slice off the top as you would slicing off the top of a pumpkin for a jack-o-lantern.
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Step 2
Slice down each of the white membrane sections. The inside of a pomegranate is split into sections similar to that of an orange, use the white membrane as a visual guide to slice the fruit into contained sections.
Step 3
Pull the sliced sections apart. Again, similar to pulling apart the sections of an orange. Once sliced, gently pry the pieces apart until each section comes apart freely.
Step 4
Place one of the sections in a bowl of cold water. Using both of your hands, hold the section slice on each end. Place your thumbs in the middle back of the slice and press to invert the section. The pomegranate seeds (arils) should pop off into the water at this point. If there are any remaining seeds on the membrane, use your fingers or a knife to gently release them. Repeat with each section of the pomegranate.
Step 5
Drain the seeds by running the bowl through a colander. Pick out any white membrane that may have gotten caught with the seeds. You must remove all the membrane or the juice will be bitter.
Step 6
Pour the seeds into the basket in your electric juicer and juice the seeds according to the operational directions in your machine's user's manual. Strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth if there is no straining feature in your juicer.
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