How to Repair Roof Shingles Lifted by Wind

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Things You'll Need

  • Utility knife

  • Roof sealant

  • Caulking gun

  • Putty knife

  • Red brick

Roof shingles can often curl and expose the roof below.

After years of exposure to wind and harsh weather, roof shingles can often curl and expose the roof below. Fortunately, you can seal down the curled shingles and protect the wooden surface underneath with a basic roofing sealant. It is a simple process that requires a caulking gun, roofing sealant and a standard red brick.


Step 1

Cut the tip of the roof sealant tube at a 45 degree angle with a utility knife and load it into the caulking gun.

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Step 2

Lift the affected shingle fully with the aid of a putty knife.

Step 3

Apply a thick dab of roof sealant by pressing firmly on the trigger of the caulking gun.

Step 4

Press firmly down on the shingle.

Step 5

Place a red brick on the surface of the shingle and let the adhesive set for 24 hours before removing.


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