Things You'll Need
Sheets (optional)

Silicone caulk is often used to caulk metal and glass because it has the ability to adhere to non-porous surfaces better than other types of caulk. Silicone caulks do not dry with exposure to air. Silicone caulks have to cure, which means they need moisture in the air to harden. The drier the climate, the longer it will take silicone caulk to cure, which can be uncomfortable as the fumes silicone caulk emit while curing can irritate the eyes and nose.
Step 1
Close off the room with silicone caulking and plan not to use it for a couple of days, if possible. If the room is large and the caulked area is small, then hang sheets to block off the area with caulking.
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Step 2
Place a humidifier in the room and turn it on high. Run the humidifier as often as you are home to keep watch on it.
Step 3
Check the caulk periodically in an inconspicuous place by pressing it with a fingernail. When the caulk has completely hardened, it is cured. It may take a couple of days before the caulk cures completely.
Rather than choosing a 100-percent silicone based caulk, choose a silicone blend that has faster curing times.
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