How to Kill Mold With Sunshine

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Sunshine can kill mold.
Image Credit: Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/GettyImages

Not only does mold look unpleasant, but it can be hazardous to your health. According to experts, those who are allergic to mold can experience severe reactions, but this is only one reason why it is wise to use an effective mold killer to eradicate the problem. Proceed with caution, however, because you cannot treat mold on all surfaces in the same way.


Does Sunlight Kill Mold?

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Sunlight does kill mold, but this may not be practical when the mold is on indoor shower tiles or somewhere else that cannot be taken outdoors. For these sorts of surfaces, you need an alternative. Since it is actually the sun's ultraviolet light that kills mold, UV light bulbs installed inside your home can help to eradicate mold indoors. There are likely more efficient methods available to you, however.

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If the mold is on something portable like a humidifier, the parts can be put outside in the sun after being cleaned. Another option is to use a handheld UV light to sterilize the areas, either outdoors or in.

There are also mold killer products that can be used, but be sure to read the labels (and to wear protective gear) before using.


Types of Mold Killer

Before tackling a mold problem, it is important to wear gloves and a mask, because some people are allergic and can get sick from contact with various molds. Even for the unallergic person, molds can be irritants.


Try using vinegar instead of bleach as a mold killer. Vinegar's acidity is able to penetrate porous materials. It is also particularly effective at breaching the mold's membrane that lies below surfaces. It makes an effective wood mold remover for this very reason. Start by pouring white distilled vinegar into a spray bottle and spritz it right onto the mold. Give it about an hour to work, then rinse the area with warm water. Spray the mold once again with the vinegar and let it dry.


Baking soda will also remove mold and can get rid of any unpleasant scents left behind after removal. Pour two cups of water into a spray bottle, add 1 teaspoon baking soda and shake it well. Spray this mixture onto the mold and use a sponge or scrub brush to remove the stains. Rinse well with warm water, spray with vinegar and let it dry completely.


Wood Mold Remover

Wood is one of the most common places that mold is found, both in and outside the house. First, clean up the area with a HEPA filter vacuum; this will remove any loose spores. Tightly seal the vacuum bag afterward and dispose of it carefully. Then, pour warm water into a spray bottle and add 1 teaspoon of soap. Spray the mold and scrub it with a soft-bristled brush; dry off with a towel.


If there is still mold present, empty the spray bottle and fill it with equal parts warm water and distilled white vinegar. Clean in the way described above; this works on most kinds of mold. Do you still see mold? Add 1 tablespoon of borax to 1 cup of water, shake and spray on the mold. Rub it in with a soft toothbrush, leave the excess borax in the wood, and turn on a fan to help the wood dry out; this will discourage new mold from forming.

