How to Eliminate Static Electricity

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Things You'll Need

  • Humidifier

  • Pot of water

  • Dryer sheets

  • Coin or key

  • Natural fabrics

  • Lotion

Wool creates friction, so avoid wool hats if you like your hair to stay flat.
Image Credit: Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty Images

Static electricity makes your hair stand on end, keeps your skirt clinging to your legs and give you a good zap as you touch the doorknob. Once you've felt the shock of static electricity, you'll surely want to find a way to avoid it the next time. Static is caused by dry air and gets worse in the winter months, so add some humidity to your home and avoid the shock.


Step 1

Keep a humidifier running in your home. When dry air is a problem, especially in the winter when heaters are on and the humidity is low, a humidifier adds moisture to the air. The water in the air breaks up the static charge that builds up.

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Step 2

Simmer a pot of water on the stove, if you don't have a humidifier. As the water heats, moisture is released and the air becomes more humid.


Step 3

Experiment wearing different shoes. Certain sole materials pick up more of a charge as they move across carpets. Always pick up your feet when you walk. Dragging your feet allows friction to build up on the carpet. Take off your shoes in your house if it's safe to go barefoot.

Step 4

Stock up on dryer sheets. Add them to the dryer to reduce the static on the clothes as they tumble. Rub a sheet on your hair and clothes to reduce static cling. Rub one over your car seat and door handles to eliminate some of the shocks you get when sliding into the seat and opening the doors.


Step 5

Carry a coin or a key in your pocket. Touch metal objects with the coin before you touch them with your hand. Although this won't eliminate the shock, the coin will absorb the charge so that it doesn't hurt you.

Step 6

Eliminate polyester and acrylics from your wardrobe. Natural fibers, such as cotton and linen, don't hold as much of a charge as synthetic fibers.


Step 7

Rub lotion on your body, your hair and even your clothes to reduce the frequency of a static shock. The lotion creates a barrier against the static. Condition your hair more often in the winter months to add moisture and lessen the flyaways.


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