How to Paint Eyes on Ceramic Bisque

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Things You'll Need

  • Ceramic Bisque

  • Acrylic Paint

  • Liner Brush

  • Paint Sealer

  • Water

Completed Item

Painting on ceramics can be a wonderful accomplishment, just to be able to say "I painted it myself". However, when it comes to eyes, it can be a little challenging. The steps below will show you how easy it can be once you learn how.


NOTE: I am the owner of this article that is also published in my review over at ebay under the name "ceramicsplus".

Video of the Day

Step 1

In this sample of the way I paint eyes, I chose a snowball noggin ornament. My flesh color for this lil gal was pink. After I put my flesh color on, I then chose to give my eyes some eye shadow. I dry brushed the blue for the eye shadow above the eyes.


Step 2

I then re-loaded my dry brush with the flesh tone pink color that I had used originally for the face.


Step 3

I went back over the blue eye shadow by dry brushing a light shade of pink back over the original color of blue to tone it down. Pictures here show the eyes with the eye shadow before and after it was toned down.


Step 4

Color on the white for the actual eye.



Step 5

I decided to give my noggin blue eyes, so this is the color I used next.


Step 6

Thin your black paint, and roll your brush bristles in the paint, because now you're ready for the outline of the eye.


Step 7

Outline around the eye as shown to the left. After both eyes are outlined, you're ready to insert the black pupil inside.


Step 8

Black pupils are now added.

Step 9

Eyelashes and eyebrows are added, and then add white dashes in each black pupil....... FINISHED!!!!!!


Video of the Day