How to Clean Flagstone Floors

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Things You'll Need

  • Dust mop

  • Dust pan

  • Mop

  • Bucket of clean water

  • Commercial-grade sealer

Flagstone floors can be found anywhere from everyday homes to sprawling back yard patios to European castles. Flagstone usually comes in large stones that are flat and smooth. Flagstone rock first became popular during the Middle Sges and is still quite fashionable today. Even though flagstone is a rock, it must be cleaned on a regular basis. While cleaning flagstone floors can be laborious and time consuming, the finished look is spectacular.


How to Clean Flagstone Floors

Step 1

Sweep away any dirt or debris using your dust mop. Scoop up your dirt pile into your dust pan and discard. If you skip this step, you run the risk of your floors not getting their cleanest.

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Step 2

Dip your mop into your bucket of water. You do not need to add any detergents to your water. Plain old tap water will get the job done.

Step 3

Wring your mop out well. You want the mop head to be damp but not soaked.


Step 4

Mop your flagstone floors using an up-and-down motion. Make sure to rinse your mop often. If your floors are especially dirty, you may have to change your water more than once.

Step 5

Allow your flagstone floors to dry completely. Do not let anyone walk on them while they are still wet. Not only is it dangerous (someone could slip and fall), it will leave footprints on your clean floors.


Step 6

Clean out your bucket and rinse your mop thoroughly.

Step 7

Mix your floor sealer according to directions and pour into your bucket.

Step 8

Dip your mop into the sealer and wring out well.

Step 9

Apply the sealer to your floors using a back and forth motion. Allow the sealer to dry.


You can order commercial-strength floor sealers on-line or pick them up at your local hardware store. You do not have to seal your floors. If you choose to seal them, they will look more attractive and stay cleaner longer.


When wet, flagstone can be very slippery. Use care when mopping. Your flagstone floors may appear darker after they have been sealed.This is normal and unavoidable.


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