How to Remove Adhesive From Terrazzo Flooring

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Things You'll Need

  • Putty knife

  • Paint scraper

  • Washing soda

  • Soft-bristled brush

Traditionally, terrazzo was made of marble and cement, with extra marble chips placed on the surface before the cement set. Modern terrazzo is made with resins such as epoxy or urethane used as the binder to make it less susceptible to staining. Whichever type of terrazzo you have, you must be careful when using chemicals to clean the surface, because marble will etch if exposed to either acids or alkali. If you have dried adhesive on you terrazzo floor, a little care and a lot of patience will clean it off.


Step 1

Lift the adhesive by scraping gently with the putty knife to remove the larger pieces of adhesive. Begin with the blade of the knife at the bottom of the adhesive, rocking the blade gently back and forth to loosen the adhesive. Do not gouge or chip the terrazzo.

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Step 2

Scrape the remaining adhesive off with a paint scraper, being careful not to scratch the surface of the terrazzo. Work with the paint scraper at a 30 degree angle and peel the adhesive off in thin layers.

Step 3

Clean the residue off the floor with washing soda, scrubbing gently with a soft-bristled brush. Rinse thoroughly.

Step 4

Examine the floor. If the adhesive is still there, consider test cleaning a hidden area (such as a closet) with an industrial adhesive remover. Check carefully for any etching in the surface of the terrazzo before using the remover in a noticeable area.


Reseal your terrazzo floor periodically, using a penetrating sealer.


Refinishing a terrazzo floor involves using a diamond grind sanding system that is not recommended for do it yourself projects.


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