How to Remove Paint From Bamboo Furniture

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Things You'll Need

  • Paint strippers

  • Fibrous laminated paper

  • Rubber gloves

  • Steel wool

  • Sandpaper

Furniture, particularly patio or outdoor furniture, is often made of bamboo. The sturdy wood is quite fashionable, and is often painted in a variety of different colors, depending on the particular furniture set. If you have bamboo furniture but no longer like the paint job on it, you can remove the paint. The process can be quite time-consuming so be patient. If you run into any issues, you can always take the furniture to a professional.


Step 1

Apply a gentle paint stripper to the furniture. Products such as Rock Miracle and Peel Away 6 are gentle enough to use on delicate bamboo pieces. Some paint strippers may be too strong for bamboo, and could seriously damage the furniture (see Resources below).

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Step 2

Allow the paint stripper to remain on the bamboo furniture for several hours. The exact length of time will depend on the type of paint as well as how many coats were applied. Follow the instructions on your specific paint stripper's package.

Step 3

Cover the furniture with fibrous laminated paper. This will prevent the paint stripper from evaporating, thereby helping it to work more effectively. You can find fibrous laminated paper at most paint and hardware stores.

Step 4

Check the paint every 30 minutes. Paint strippers literally dissolve the paint so you can see them working. If you don't see changes in the paint, you may need to apply more paint stripper.


Step 5

Rinse the paint stripper off with mineral spirits or water. Since bamboo doesn't respond particularly well to water, use a small amount when rinsing. You can also dip a cloth in water and wipe down the furniture.

Step 6

Sand the furniture with steel wool. The abrasive texture of the steel wool gently buffs away paint on bamboo furniture. If you are trying to remove thick paint, opt for steel wool with a low grade. For thinner paints, choose high-grade steel wool.

Step 7

Use sandpaper to remove remaining bits of paint. Choose fine sandpaper to avoid damaging the furniture's bamboo finish.


Wear protective rubber gloves when handling paint strippers.


Always apply paint strippers in well-ventilated areas. The chemicals in the strippers can be harmful if inhaled.


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