How to Make Conceptual Art

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Things You'll Need

  • Notebook for ideas

  • Your favorite art supplies

  • Household objects

Learning how to create conceptual art is as easy as you can open your mind up for it to be. In conceptual art, it is the idea being conveyed that is most important, not the actual art itself. The conceptual art movement became popular in the 1960's through such artists as Richard Long and Yoko Ono and the definition of art began to change throughout culture. Conceptual art can utilize text, sculpture, photography, painting, collage, outdoor exhibits and much more to express the idea of the artist. By keeping an opened mind to express your message, what you create may surprise you.


How to Make Conceptual Art

Step 1

Throw away any previous idea of what art is that you've ever had. The point of conceptual art is to make a point. It is not based in technique like painting or method like drawing, but rather it is the idea that the art is trying to convey that is the basis of conceptual art itself. It is truly important to let go of your boundaries and definitions of what art "is". Here is where you begin to sense a deeper meaning behind this type of art.

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Step 2

Brainstorm for ideas. Get out a notebook or sit in an inspiring place, to think of ideas for what kind of message your conceptual art will put forth.

Step 3

Choose the message you would like to get across. Focus on this message or idea and really find the spirit of it. For example, maybe you are trying to put across the essence of joy or love. Once you have chosen your specific idea or concept to communicate, focus on that message and the creativity will begin to flow.


Step 4

Begin the creative process once you have your chosen message or idea. Using the example of conveying joy, what is the purest way you can think of to capture the essence of joy? Is it simply writing the word joy in tiny letters in the center of a large canvas? Is it capturing a joyful moment with a photograph and mounting it alone on a wall or display? Find your specific and personal way of expressing your message to the world using whatever means necessary, be it paint, sculpture, text or something entirely new.


Step 5

Display your art. Look for local art shows held at community art centers, schools, libraries and even houses of worship. If you attend a college or university, visit the art department and find out when there are shows scheduled. Even your household can showcase your art, making statements wherever you choose.


Keep in mind that you can be as creative as you want to be. There are no rules, except for the ones you make. Use whatever materials you feel are necessary for your project.


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