How to: Diaper Tree

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Things You'll Need

  • 48 identical disposable diapers

  • 48 feet of thin ribbon

  • Scissors

  • Large piece of cardboard or 16-inch circular platter

  • 12 feet of 1-inch-wide ribbon

  • Masking tape

  • Baby bottles

  • Jordan almonds

  • Pacifiers

The one gift all babies will use is diapers.

A diaper tree, also known as a diaper cake, is a useful gift for an expectant mother. While gifting an expectant mother with baby toys or clothes is a thoughtful gesture, you can never be sure that the mother will need these items or even like your gift. On the other hand, since babies use an average of four to six diapers a day, an expectant mother will always need diapers for her new baby. Instead of gifting the mother with a utilitarian-looking box of diapers, get creative and arrange your gift of diapers in a visually appealing diaper tree that can also be used as a centerpiece at a baby shower.


Step 1

Purchase at least 48 identical disposable diapers. If the expectant mother has a preference for specific diapers, purchase her preference.

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Step 2

Cut 48 feet of thin ribbon into 48 1-foot-long ribbons.


Step 3

Roll a diaper tightly, beginning at the folded end at the diaper's crotch.

Step 4

Tie the rolled diaper with a 1-foot-long ribbon.

Step 5

Roll the remaining diapers and tie them with the remaining ribbons in the same manner.


Step 6

Bundle 27 diapers together in a circle to create the first tier of your diaper tree. Tie a 1-inch-wide ribbon around the circumference of these bundled diapers to secure them together.

Step 7

Bundle 15 diapers together in a circle to create the second tier of your diaper tree. Tie a 1-inch-wide ribbon around the circumference of these bundled diapers to secure them together.


Step 8

Bundle 6 diapers together in a circle to create the third tier of your diaper tree. Tie a 1-inch-wide ribbon around the circumference of these bundled diapers to secure them together.

Step 9

Cut a circle with a 16-inch diameter from a piece of cardboard or purchase a 16-inch circular platter.


Step 10

Place pieces of looped masking tape on the circular platter and place the tier of 27 diapers on the platter.

Step 11

Place tape on top of the diapers in the 27-diaper tier. Stack the 15-diaper tier on top the 27 diaper tier. Place tape on top of the 15-diaper tier. Stack the 6-diaper tier on top of the 15-diaper tier. Each tier should be centered on the tier underneath it.


Step 12

Decorate the diaper tree using baby bottles filled with pastel candy such as Jordan almonds, pacifiers, rattles and other baby accessories.


Use diapers with colorful patterns for a more festive diaper tree.


If you attach the diapers and tiers with too much tape, the diapers may tear when the mother takes apart the diaper tree. Use the least amount of tape possible to secure the diaper tree.


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