How Is Epoxy Resin Made?

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Epoxy resin is a hard substance created when two substances, a epoxide and a polyamine, are combined. It most cases the two chemicals are epichlorahydrin and bisphenol-A. The epoxy is used in many different applications such as creating molds, strengthening fiberglass and in heat-resistant situations.


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The epoxide is the resin base of the reaction, while the polyamine is the hardening substance. When combined, they bond together attaching on a chemical level in a criss-crossed fashion that makes the resulting substance strong. This reaction takes some time to develop and is normally called the curing of the resin. Depending on how thin the two substances are poured, and the mix of hardeners and resins, the curing time can vary. In some cases, heat can be applied to speed the drying time up, but normally it is cured only by time.

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Storage and Results

The chemicals are contained separately until needed so they do not react too soon. When packaged for resale, they are either placed in two separate bottles or one bottle with two compartments. These can generally be found in craft stores. The resulting hardened material is generally a clear substance that has a look like glass. In some cases, a person might have seen an example in a restaurant where items are placed on the tables and sealed with the resin. The customers can still see the items but cannot get to them because they are under the surface of the compound.

