What Can I Store in Cedar Chests?

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Cedar chests are the perfect gift for a woman's college graduation, wedding or for her first baby. Storage in a cedar chest protects your precious items and family heirlooms from the elements that would otherwise ruin them.


Cedar chests have been used to store valuables since ancient times. Ancient Egyptians used them as a single box to store valuable papyrus writings and gold. Over time they were used in Europe and Colonial America and were created as chests with drawers. When Americans moved to the West they made chests large enough to carry most all of their belongings.


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The natural oils in the cedar wood naturally repel insects and keep moisture out, protecting your valuable items from damage. The natural oils also provide a pleasant scent to clothing or blankets stored in your cedar chest.

Baby Items

Cedar chests are the perfect place to store your child's baby items to treasure and remember. Baby blankets, clothing, rattles, first toys, and books are all good items for a cedar chest.


Hope Chest

Cedar chests are sometimes called hope chests and are given to young women when they marry or have their first child. When given to a woman when she marries, the cedar hope chest is filled with linens, dishes and sometimes her wedding dress. When given to a woman for the birth of a child, it is filled with such items as newborn clothes, diapers and blankets.


Everyday Items

Cedar chests are used to store everyday items such as blankets, sheets and clothing at the change of seasons. Photographs and other memorabilia can also be stored safely in a cedar chest.

