Bed pillows absorb sweat and oils from your body, and they are home to dust mites. You should wash your pillows at least once every two to three months to sanitize them and help them hold their shape longer. You only need a few ingredients that you may already have in your pantry to get them clean in no time!
Things You'll Need
1 cup distilled white vinegar
10 drops lemon essential oil
Laundry detergent
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Be sure to read the care label on your pillow before cleaning it in a washing machine. While most pillows are machine-washable, there are some that aren't.
1. Set your washing machine
Turn your washing machine to the hot water setting and set the machine to wash on a regular cycle.
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2. Add the ingredients to the washing machine
Let your washer start to fill with water. Add 1 cup distilled white vinegar to help disinfect your pillows. Then, add 10 drops lemon essential oil, which will help kill any bacteria while also helping to whiten the pillows. Finally, add your regular laundry detergent and wait for the washer to fill all the way up with water.

3. Add the pillows
Add your pillows to the washing machine. Push them all the way into the water so they are fully submerged. Then, let the washing machine do its thing.
Only wash two pillows at a time so they can get really clean without overcrowding your washing machine.

4. Dry the pillows
Once your washing machine has finished its cycle, place your pillows in the dryer and allow them to dry on the low heat setting until they are fully dry and fluffy. The dryer will help reshape your pillows, and the heat helps to kill any remaining dust mites.

Your pillows will be sanitized, whitened, and ready for a good night's sleep!
For extra protection, you can invest in pillow covers that will help to protect your pillows from being subjected to sweat and oils. Just toss the pillow covers in the machine whenever you wash your pillowcases and bed sheets.